Posts by preadmin (Page 13)

November 20, 2022 Service

The Last Sunday of the Church year is a day of awe and glory. When the wood is finally dry (Gospel, Lk 23:31), the distinction between the unrepentant thief reviling Christ (23:39) and the penitent thief seeking Christ’s mercy (23:42) shall be made known throughout the earth as the distinction between “the righteous and the wicked.” Link to Service video on Vimeo…

November 13, 2022 Service

The end of the church year always focuses on the last things of this life and this age. The Nicene Creed confessed before the sermon will remind the congregation of “the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come.” You may say at the Service of the Sacrament, “Amen! Come, Lord Jesus,” and His return is announced as…

Annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner

You are invited to our Annual Thanksgiving Community Dinner on November 24th at noon.  If you and your family or someone you know will be alone on Thanksgiving Day, please come to St. Paul’s at noon for a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. When: Thanksgiving Day – Thursday, November 24th at NOON Where: St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Bremen Delivery is available To sign…

September 18, 2022 Service

One finds in our text God’s gracious irony at work. God is celebrated not as One who exalts Himself at the expense of others but as the One who humbles Himself that others might be exalted. God’s grace raises that which is low and enriches that which is poor. Ultimately, this gracious contrast is made known most fully to us on the…

September 11, 2022 Service

“Lord Jesus, You are the Good Shepherd. . . . Rescue and preserve us that we may not be lost forever but follow You, rejoicing in the way that leads to eternal life.” The Collect for Proper 19 well summarizes the day. In the Gospel, our preaching text, Jesus tells His parable of the shepherd seeking out one lost sheep (and also…

September 4, 2022 Service

“Choose life!” This text requires understanding that the Gospel motivates our obedience to the Law. For example, Christian fathers and mothers raise their children to choose what is good and right and to avoid what is evil in the model of Psalm 1. They teach what good choices are. And they move their children to make those good choices by loving them,…

August 28, 2022 Service

The readings after Pentecost relate to application of Christian living, motivated by the Gospel of Christ and our new life in Him. The connection among this Sunday’s Scripture readings is obedience to the Law (Third Use) as a necessary characteristic of Christian life—not necessary for our salvation, but necessary as our witness of hope in Christ and our privilege to proclaim the…

August 14, 2022 Service

Martin Luther wrote, “Faith is that foundation of the apostles and the prophets on which, as the apostle writes in Eph 2:20, we are built and the ‘foundation that has been laid,’ of which he speaks in 1 Cor 3:11. Thus Christ Himself says in Matt 16:18: ‘On this rock I will build My church,’ that is, on the firmness of faith”…

August 7, 2022 Service

The Pentecost season is long and focused on spiritual growth. This Sunday in particular pictures the Christian life of faith—both strong faith and weak faith. Abraham is always held up as a model of great faith, from, among other texts, our words this week, “he believed the Lord, and the Lord counted it to him as righteousness” (Gen 15:6). Praise God for…

July 31, 2022 Service

Today is Lay Ministry Sunday when the Board of Lay Ministry will direct the worship service and we will have two members of the congregation speak about their lives in Christ. Link to Service video on Vimeo Link to service bulletin