Posts by preadmin (Page 15)

May 8, 2022 Service

For this Sunday in the season of Easter, the Church confesses the triumphal procession unto life: He is the Shepherd and we are the flock. Hearing His voice, being fed by His Word, and being led on His path of righteousness through death into His house, we shall dwell there forever. We welcome all to God’s House today! Link to Service video…

May 1, 2022 Service

In the Second Reading, from Revelation 5, Jesus reveals Himself as the Lamb who is worthy to open the mysterious two-sided scroll, and by His appearance heaven and all creation rejoice. All these readings together highlight an important aspect of the Easter season. They show that Jesus reveals Himself as the defeater of sin and death, and that by the Word of…

April 24, 2022 Service

One week after Christ’s resurrection, Thomas comes to confident faith. He confesses, “My Lord and my God” (Gospel, Jn 20:28). The risen Lord had stood before him and invited the disciple to touch the nail marks. One look at Jesus’ glorified body led to that joyous moment of recognition and acclamation. We welcome everyone to God’s house today. Link to Service video…

Easter Festival Service – April 17, 2022

The church year climaxes in Easter Sunday. “He is risen!” shouts out our true hope. “He is risen indeed!” reverberates with our confident belief. Luke shows the women’s dramatic transformation from confusion and fear to confident belief. Then the women bring that vibrant hope to the disciples—and to us. Link to Service video on Vimeo Link to service bulletin  

Palm Sunday – April 10, 2022 Service

On this Palm Sunday we see the word “Rock,” which functions as the primary proper name for the God of Israel in this chapter (32:4). It is a poignant image, certainly for Moses. On two fragile occasions, the Lord provided water for the people by Moses striking a rock. On the second occasion, Moses was not supposed to strike the rock, but…

March 27, 2022 Service

The Epistle, our preaching text, is one of St. Paul’s clearest explications of reconciliation, including what is surely one of the richest summaries of the Gospel and the sanctified life which results: “In Christ God was reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation” (2 Cor 5:19). Link to Service video…

March 20, 2022 Service

The Gospel, our text this week, actually precedes last week’s Gospel, Jesus lamenting over Jerusalem (Lk 13:31–35). In that lesson, Jesus faced confrontations over the message about repentance and perishing that He preached at the beginning of chapter 13, this week’s Gospel. This week’s hard words will often bring opposition, but their purpose is that sinners repent, be forgiven, and thus be…

March 13, 2022 Service

On this day, Christians continue their annual journey into the depths of Lent. On this Second Sunday in Lent, we descend deeper in our journey into a world of spiritual poverty and desolation. In particular, we see the desolation wreaked by rejecting God’s Word—preached and incarnate: “This house shall be like Shiloh, and this city shall be desolate, without inhabitant” (Jeremiah 26:9,…

March 6, 2022 Service

During the season of Lent, the Christian returns to the wilderness and meditates upon his journey to the cross and open tomb of Jesus Christ. Since he is united to Christ through the waters of Holy Baptism, this journey involves the Christian’s own death and resurrection, dying and rising with Christ in the Sacrament (Rom 6:3–4). This faith and life therefore also…

February 27, 2022 Service

Transfiguration is truly the bridge between Epiphany and Lent. Now, as the road to the cross nears, we are given a special glimpse of His glory and hear the voice of the Father telling us to listen to Jesus. Only in hearing and listening to Jesus, and in knowing that He is truly the One who deserves all glory, will we be…