Blog (Page 16)

You are invited to our Annual Thanksgiving Community Dinner on November 24th at noon. 

If you and your family or someone you know will be alone on Thanksgiving Day, please come to St. Paul’s at noon for a traditional Thanksgiving dinner.

When: Thanksgiving Day – Thursday, November 24th at NOON

Where: St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Bremen

Delivery is available

To sign up, please contact our church office at 574-546-2332 or email  We will need to know your name, number of people, dine-in or delivery, and your phone number. 


The deadline for sign up is November 16th. May we always give thanks to the Lord!


Annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner

You are invited to our Annual Thanksgiving Community Dinner on November 24th at noon.  If you and your family or someone you know will be alone on Thanksgiving Day, please come to St. Paul’s at noon for a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. When: Thanksgiving Day – Thursday, November 24th at NOON Where: St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Bremen Delivery is available To sign…

September 18, 2022 Service

One finds in our text God’s gracious irony at work. God is celebrated not as One who exalts Himself at the expense of others but as the One who humbles Himself that others might be exalted. God’s grace raises that which is low and enriches that which is poor. Ultimately, this gracious contrast is made known most fully to us on the…

September 11, 2022 Service

“Lord Jesus, You are the Good Shepherd. . . . Rescue and preserve us that we may not be lost forever but follow You, rejoicing in the way that leads to eternal life.” The Collect for Proper 19 well summarizes the day. In the Gospel, our preaching text, Jesus tells His parable of the shepherd seeking out one lost sheep (and also…

September 4, 2022 Service

“Choose life!” This text requires understanding that the Gospel motivates our obedience to the Law. For example, Christian fathers and mothers raise their children to choose what is good and right and to avoid what is evil in the model of Psalm 1. They teach what good choices are. And they move their children to make those good choices by loving them,…