Calendar (3)
Epistle May (1)
The joy of Christ’s resurrection and the gifts He won for all by it are brought home as certainties in the lessons for this second celebration of Easter. Why are they certain? Because it’s God who has won them! The Epistle from Peter’s first letter assures the believer that hope, the gift of eternal life in Christ, is just as “living” for…
Throughout the Lenten season we looked at the kings of the Old Testament and found the truth of Psalm 146: “Put not your trust in princes, in a son of man, in whom there is no salvation. When his breath departs, he returns to the earth; on that very day his plans perish” (vs 3–4). The plans of God are eternal, gracious…
Palm Sunday is that pivotal Sunday in the season of Lent. Through the preceding five Sundays, we have lamented our sins in contrite hearts, pleading the Lord’s mercy as we joyfully look toward His coming. And Jesus does come to us—descending from heaven above (to earth I come!). But now He ascends, up to Jerusalem, the place of sacrifice. We follow our…
April 2023 Calendar.