Blog (Page 21)

January 30, 2022 Service

Last week, having discussed various gifts and roles within the Church, now, for Epiphany 4, St. Paul teaches the “still more excellent way” (12:31b) which is to be the motive that controls the use of all individual gifts for others: love. We welcome you in the love of Christ as we worship as brothers and sisters. Service video on Vimeo Link to…

January 23, 2022 Service

This morning like every morning the question is, “Where do we begin?” Just like every worship service we begin with the Word of God. The prayer for this service is that we go from repentance to joy by hearing the Word. We welcome everyone who is here today! Service video on Vimeo Link to service bulletin  

December 19, 2021 Service

The Advent season builds anticipation. Here the promises to Adam and Eve (Ge 3:15), to Abraham (Gen 12:1-3), to Isaac, Jacob, Judah, and David are all fulfilled. In these few verses, the pregnant Elizabeth and Mary, virginally pregnant by the Holy Spirit, bring all these promises to pass in their flesh and blood. Elizabeth’s inspired response prepares us for the coming of…