Online Services (Page 11)

August 14, 2022 Service

Martin Luther wrote, “Faith is that foundation of the apostles and the prophets on which, as the apostle writes in Eph 2:20, we are built and the ‘foundation that has been laid,’ of which he speaks in 1 Cor 3:11. Thus Christ Himself says in Matt 16:18: ‘On this rock I will build My church,’ that is, on the firmness of faith”…

August 7, 2022 Service

The Pentecost season is long and focused on spiritual growth. This Sunday in particular pictures the Christian life of faith—both strong faith and weak faith. Abraham is always held up as a model of great faith, from, among other texts, our words this week, “he believed the Lord, and the Lord counted it to him as righteousness” (Gen 15:6). Praise God for…

July 31, 2022 Service

Today is Lay Ministry Sunday when the Board of Lay Ministry will direct the worship service and we will have two members of the congregation speak about their lives in Christ. Link to Service video on Vimeo Link to service bulletin  

July 10, 2022 Service

Leviticus is one of the most overlooked or even intentionally avoided books of the Old Testament, yet a right understanding of Jesus and His work, indeed a right understanding of justification and sanctification, depends on this central book of the Torah given by God through Moses. In this book, God provides the way for sinful, unholy people to have fellowship with the…

July 3, 2022 Service

This Sunday is about the kingdom of God, who is both Creator and Redeemer of all, whose throne and footstool span heavens and earth (66:1), both the old and the new, and whose house will be purified and then served even by those from “the nations” (66:21). To those waiting in faith, like a people walking in darkness (9:2), a great light…

June 26, 2022 Service

The Elijah narratives certainly show Yahweh to be the “Lord of all power and might” as well as the “author and giver of all good things,” as opposed to Baal or any other false god or demonic power. In the preceding verses, we see Yahweh nourishing Elijah that he might fulfill his prophetic vocation. In our text, he is sent out again…

July 19, 2022 Service

The season of Pentecost is intentionally focused on the spread of the Word (Acts 6:7; 12:24). It is about the life of discipleship, where people from all walks of life and varying sinful conditions are brought to the waters of Baptism and delivered to walk in “newness of life” (Rom 6:4). May we walk and live as Christians with Jesus leading us…

June 12, 2022 Service

We welcome you into our midst today as we recognize the greatness of our God and His will for our lives. Amidst all the opinions on life that exist in our world today, God leads us to consider the importance of His Word for our lives now and eternally. Link to Service video on Vimeo Link to service bulletin  

June 5, 2022 Service

The foundation of the Church has been laid on the resurrected flesh-and-blood cornerstone Jesus Christ. The building of the Church, as the living and breathed-into temple of God, has commenced with the outpouring of the Spirit and proclamation of Christ Jesus. This is Pentecost! We welcome everyone to God’s house. Link to Service video on Vimeo Link to service bulletin  

May 29, 2022 Service

The Resurrection of Our Lord moves toward the Ascension and Pentecost. That is, the life revealed in Jesus’ resurrection is the life which all Christians, as the people of God, are given by the Spirit and so are to live in the Spirit. The death and resurrection of Jesus brings forth, as a new creation, the Church. The life of the Church…