Online Services (Page 12)

October 3, 2021 Service

The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) is an official auxiliary of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Since 1942, the LWML has affirmed each woman’s identity as a child of God and her relationship with Jesus Christ. Lutheran Women in Mission are women of faith, empowered for active service in Jesus’ name and bold support of missions through Mite Box offerings. As Christians, we…

September 5, 2021 Service

Good morning and the Lord be with you! As we gather around God’s Word may we see and live as baptized children of God who actively rejoice in Christ’s forgiveness with a faith that actively yields fruits of love and mercy in abundance for all. Service video on Vimeo Link to service bulletin

September 12, 2021 Service

The Epistle of James offers the Spirit’s wisdom and practical counsel in response to a question that has faced Christians and Christ’s congregation in every age: “How are we to live?” Answer: with perseverance in the faith, a genuine faith that is inevitably accompanied by good works. Welcome to everyone here this morning. Service video on Vimeo Link to service bulletin

Sept 26, 2021 Service

As we come together on the Eighteenth Sunday of Pentecost, (Pentecost is a season for the church to grow and mature in the faith). We see in the Gospel reading for today, the sermon text, the most difficult verses in the entire Gospel of Mark. Led by the Holy Spirit we will learn and grow in our faith and walk with God.…

August 22, 2021 Service

Good morning and welcome to the Lord’s Temple. May we see that the death and resurrection of Jesus foreshadowed and foretold by the prophets shows that Jesus is the true Temple of His people. Service video on Vimeo Link to service bulletin  

Online Service – August 1, 2021

As we gather this morning in God’s House may we know and believe through the Holy Spirit that Jesus is the bread of life and our source of eternal life. We thank God that He has brought us together as brothers and sisters in Christ to worship Him. Service video on Vimeo Link to service bulletin  

Online Service – July 18, 2021

Welcome to You in the Name of Our Risen Savior, Jesus Christ. Today we reflect upon the concept of shepherd and receive eternal peace and assurance as we are reminded that Jesus is our Good Shepherd who cares for His people. Service video on Vimeo Link to service bulletin

Online Service – July 4, 2021

We thank the Holy Spirit for guiding you to be here this Fourth of July to celebrate the freedom to worship the one True God. Today we will hear from Ezekiel that God deals with us, a rebellious people, in His grace, mercy and love. Service video on Vimeo Link to service bulletin

Online Service – June 27, 2021

Today just like every day, when you and I think about Jesus, we remember His love and generosity to all- so that we may have everything in this life. Faith, forgiveness, hope, and peace are just a few gifts He gives us. Paul calls us to be generous with all that we have based on our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.…