Online Services (Page 7)

October 29, 2023 Service

Reformation Day reminds us of the central article of the faith: the work of Christ alone appeases God’s wrath and redeems the sinner’s debt, here and eternally. To this truth, brought to light anew by the Wittenberg Reformation, Luther was called to testify before the emperor—and we teach it to each new generation. What a blessing to have our Youth participate in…

October 22, 2023 Service

The overall theme of the time after Pentecost is growing in faith. That, of course, means growing in our relationship with the one true God. The Propers for this Sunday spell out the implications of this in the First Commandment, according to Luther’s threefold explanation in the Small Catechism: fear, love, and trust in the true God. The one true God wants…

October 8, 2023 Service

Joy is a key word and a key concept in the apostle Paul’s letter to the Philippians. Here in chapter 4, it is good for us to remember that even while Paul was in prison, his joy abounded beyond all the adversity and suffering he was encountering. In addition, he was ever mindful of the ministry and love poured out upon him…

September 24, 2023 Service

The theme for the Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost is extremely mission oriented. Pentecost being the season in which the Church focuses on the activity of the Holy Spirit in extending the kingdom of Christ through the work and service of the Christian Church on earth, the mission of the Church ought to be front and center in the Pentecost season and it…

September 17, 2023 Service

Considering all Joseph has suffered at the hands of his brothers; it is a well-placed fear. In chapter 45, Joseph has finally revealed his identity to his brothers, and because they had sought to kill him earlier, they thought their own demise was at hand. However, Joseph points out to them that it was God who was using all of this (45:5–9).…

September 10, 2023 Service

As we gather today for worship, we will see again that we can do nothing good. We can do nothing to deliver ourselves unless the Lord God causes/enables us to do it. Lutheran theology! While we are given laws, statutes, commands, callings from God, it is God who causes/enables us to carry them out by virtue of having caused us to be…

September 3, 2023 Service

Our text (Rom 12:9–21) invites Christians not only to “love one another” (v 10). These words also encourage us to “bless those who persecute you” (v 14). The passage includes the memorably vivid illustration of merciful kindness that “heaps burning coals on your enemy’s head” (v 20). May Jesus bless us to love as He loves. We welcome you as you worship…

August 27, 2023 Service

Talk of rocks forms the obvious connection between the Gospel and the Old Testament Reading (Is 51:1–6), our text. Rocks, of course, serve as illustration and even sacred location (think mountains) throughout Scripture. The Old Testament lesson references the same Israelite covenant history that lies behind the Epistle. All three readings have a hopeful forward momentum, letting go of the old that…

August 20, 2023 Service

The Psalm for this Sunday has an inclusive view regarding the spiritual kingdom of God, showing an ardent desire that all peoples worship the Lord: “Let all the peoples praise You” (Ps 67:3), “let the nations be glad” (67:4), “let all the ends of the earth fear Him” (67:7). We welcome all who worship with us today! Link to Service video on…