Holy Land Presentation On March 27, at 7:00 p.m., in the Bethany Room, the LWML program will be presented by Marilyn Gumz, Kelly Sienicki, Angie Hughes, & Joanna Fox, as they share some “highlights” of their trip to the Holy Land. Open to the congregation. Light refreshments will be served afterward.
“Jesus Revolution,” is coming to the Bremen Theatre at the end of March (March 30th through April 2nd). We have been advised that a local church has committed to covering the cost of admission for those in the community who choose to attend. While these dates run right up to Spring Break, our Youth Board would like to take a group of…
The 2023 Plymouth Legacy of Life Banquet will be held Tuesday, April 4, 2023 at the Christos Banquet Center in Plymouth. Keynote speaker will be Mike Fichter, CEO of Indiana Right to Life. Mike is an outstanding speaker and strong proponent of the pro-life cause. Jim and Linda Tinkey will host a table for St. Paul's members and would love to have…
Men’s Bible Breakfast CHRISTIAN MEN AWAKE! If you're at least 18 years of age, wake up on Wednesday morning every other week and join in a Bible Study at the Bremen Hospital cafeteria conference room at 6:30 A.M.. Enter the cafeteria area entrance on the south side patio to the left of the main entrance portico (presently the covid testing drive-thru). The…
Bremen Cemetery Mausoleum to reenact the Open Tomb and what was inside?
Brown County Inn, 51 State Road 46 East, Nashville, Indiana. “Springing Forth New” based on Isaiah 43:19a. Speakers: Rev. Lewis King & Joy King. Cost $55 (not inc. hotel, Fri. meal, Sat. breakfast). Registration was extended: online lwmlindiana.org has hotel info. April 14 (Fri. 3:00 pm) – April 15 pm (Sat. 3:00 pm)
Women Reading the Bible in Community - Jerusalem Room We will pray and then read God’s Word out loud in community. Don’t worry, you don’t have to read out loud if you only want to listen. There is no Bible study booklet, just bring your favorite Bible. If you don’t have one, we have extras available. If you need a Bible we…
Making disciples isn’t a program of the church dreamed up by human leaders to meet some kind of institutional objective. Making disciples is the purpose of the Church on Earth given to us by our Lord and Savior Jesus. More than an objective, making disciples – especially making disciples of people who are lost and perishing – is the desire of His heart. Our call to make…
Men’s Bible Breakfast CHRISTIAN MEN AWAKE! If you're at least 18 years of age, wake up on Wednesday morning every other week and join in a Bible Study at the Bremen Hospital cafeteria conference room at 6:30 A.M.. Enter the cafeteria area entrance on the south side patio to the left of the main entrance portico (presently the covid testing drive-thru). The…
The Hospitality Committee needs your help! This Wednesday, April 19th, we will be creating the next round of dinners for our shut-ins of the church and community. We are in need of potatoes and beef broth. There is a table in the narthex for these items labeled Hospitality Committee. We will meet in the kitchen on the 19th at 9:00 am to…
Father & Son Game Night - Bethany Room Parish Fellowship is hosting a Father / Son Game Night on April 20th at 7:00 pm. Please bring your favorite board games and card games. We’ll have snack stuff and sweet treats along with punch. Fathers and sons- please come with your father or son; if you don’t have one, please come anyway! It’ll…
Making disciples isn’t a program of the church dreamed up by human leaders to meet some kind of institutional objective. Making disciples is the purpose of the Church on Earth given to us by our Lord and Savior Jesus. More than an objective, making disciples – especially making disciples of people who are lost and perishing – is the desire of His heart. Our call to make…
RE:Vitality - Connect to Disciples Bible Study - Bethany Fellowship Hall ALL MEMBERS of St. Paul’s are invited and strongly encouraged to attend the “Connect to Disciple” Bible study. This is the first congregational bible study for the revitalization program. The study will be held on Sunday mornings at 8:30 am (for 45 minutes) in the Fellowship Hall, and on Wednesday nights,…
LWML Spring Bible Break at St. Paul, South Bend, on Saturday, April 29, 9:30-11:30 am, lunch following. Pastor Jording will lead Bible study. Ingathering: Resurrection Lutheran Academy. See the “Check It Out” board for more information.
Women Reading the Bible in Community - Bethany Room We will pray and then read God’s Word out loud in community. Don’t worry, you don’t have to read out loud if you only want to listen. There is no Bible study booklet, just bring your favorite Bible. If you don’t have one, we have extras available. If you need a Bible we…
Each Member of St. Paul's is asked to complete the Time and Talent Survey. If you have not completed a survey electronically, a paper copy is located in Narthex next to Offering Box. Please complete the survey and drop in Offering Box. Thank you Board of Stewardship.
Making disciples isn’t a program of the church dreamed up by human leaders to meet some kind of institutional objective. Making disciples is the purpose of the Church on Earth given to us by our Lord and Savior Jesus. More than an objective, making disciples – especially making disciples of people who are lost and perishing – is the desire of His heart. Our call to make…
Men’s Bible Breakfast CHRISTIAN MEN AWAKE! If you're at least 18 years of age, wake up on Wednesday morning every other week and join in a Bible Study at the Bremen Hospital cafeteria conference room at 6:30 A.M.. Enter the cafeteria area entrance on the south side patio to the left of the main entrance portico (presently the covid testing drive-thru). The…
RE:Vitality - Connect to Disciples Bible Study - Bethany Fellowship Hall ALL MEMBERS of St. Paul’s are invited and strongly encouraged to attend the “Connect to Disciple” Bible study. This is the first congregational bible study for the revitalization program. The study will be held on Sunday mornings at 8:30 am (for 45 minutes) in the Fellowship Hall, and on Wednesday nights,…
"The Effective Fervent Prayer of a Righteous Man Avails Much." James 5:16B
Location: Jerusalem Room Be Thou My Guide is a Bible study that encourages us to draw closer to the Lord with trusting hearts and minds and not to rely on ourselves. This study is led by Barb Middaugh.
We look forward to seeing everyone in May as we begin a study on The Life of Jesus - The Parables.
Location: Jerusalem Room Saturday Women's group meets to read and discuss God’s Word together – an “informal” gathering! This group is led by Kelly Sienicki.