We will be helping the Grace Food Pantry fill their shelves in the month of August. We have received a list of their "difficult to maintain" Items. They are used frequently and donated less frequently. 50 cards listing various quantities of 4 items for donation will be available for the congregation to take on Sunday, July 23rd. Another 50 cards will be…
Be refreshed in God’s Word!8:30 a.m. – 9:15 a.m. Children ages PRE-K through Completion of Grade 5 . . . . . . . . Meet in the gym for devotions and a variety of activities – crafts, games, open gym, service project, nature walks, refreshments, etc. -- led by a rotation of teachers. Teens (students who have completed Grades 6&7) .…
Servant Event “Cards of Hope” for Phil's Friends – We will be creating hand-made cards for Phil's Friends Cancer Care Packages, or coloring ready-made ones as follow up encouragement cards to recovering patients. Open to anyone wishing to help. Refreshments will be served afterward. Psalm 100:2a “Serve the Lord with Gladness” LWML motto St.
If you're at least 18 years of age, wake up on Wednesday morning every other week and join in a Bible Study at the Bremen Hospital cafeteria conference room at 6:30 A.M.. Enter the cafeteria area entrance on the south side patio to the left of the main entrance portico (presently the covid testing drive-thru). The cafeteria has an excellent breakfast menu…
We will be helping the Grace Food Pantry fill their shelves in the month of August. We have received a list of their "difficult to maintain" Items. They are used frequently and donated less frequently. 50 cards listing various quantities of 4 items for donation will be available for the congregation to take on Sunday, July 23rd. Another 50 cards will be…
Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Tipton IN Cost: $15, which covers continental breakfast, light lunch, and materials. There are 3 different 55 minutes sessions to sign up for: info on each session is on the Registration Form online (if you prefer a paper copy, notify Elaine 248-2741). Any woman of the congregation is invited to attend.
Epistle articles, comments, ideas may be deposited in the epistle box in the Narthex mail slots or e-mailed to Eric Thornton at firemanet@yahoo.com. I appreciate all of your articles, ideas and comments!
If you're at least 18 years of age, wake up on Wednesday morning every other week and join in a Bible Study at the Bremen Hospital cafeteria conference room at 6:30 A.M.. Enter the cafeteria area entrance on the south side patio to the left of the main entrance portico (presently the covid testing drive-thru). The cafeteria has an excellent breakfast menu…
Just as Ruth took care of Naomi, our Elders (Board of Lay Ministry) would also like to take care of those who do not have a “voice” in the Voters’ Assembly. Please RSVP & plan to attend. (You could even take time to check out the Rummage Sale while you are here.)