Pre-K-Grade 2 (Nazareth Room)
Theo is back! Join our puppet friend as he leads us through the Advent and Christmas seasons, telling about prophets of old and the birth of our Savior, Jesus. After that, we will hear about Jesus’ earthly life and ministry. …..Taught by Wendy Coxey…..
Grades 3-5 (Mrs. Rogers’ Classroom)
Students hear the comforting News of God’s Saving love for them as told by O.T. prophets and N.T. eye witnesses. Lessons include — Jonah, Daniel, Esther, plus the birth, ministry, and passion of Christ.
….. Taught by Jeanette Rettinger…..
Middle School Grades 6-8 (Mr. Miller’s Classroom)
Students will be intrigued by Not-So-Nice Bible Stories: Gory Deaths! This study uses true stories from the Bible to show how God’s justice smashes the sinful, the sinister, the sneaky; and they show how Jesus conquers death and gives new life (through His own gory death).
…..Taught by Barb Middaugh…..
High School (Bethany Room)
Please join the Adult Bible Class through the month of December. Watch for additional announcements.
Adult Bible Class (Bethany Room)
The account of Jonah is more than a “whale of a tale”! Hear God’s message to the lost and to those who have been called to be the hands, feet, and voice of Jesus in a very broken world. Taught by Tom Coxey.
More Opportunities for Bible Study
Men’s Wednesday Morning Bible Study …meets every other Wednesday (beginning Dec. 11th) 6:30-7:30 am at the Bremen Hospital cafeteria. Enjoy a delicious breakfast and lively discussion.
Thursday Morning Ladies Bible Study… meets every week beginning December 5, 9:30-10:45 am. The ladies are finishing up LifeLight Bible Study: Matthew Part 2. It will be followed by a new study………….
Mirror, Mirror – Do you like what you see when you look in the mirror? If you said no, you aren’t alone! This study will encourage you to see yourself as God does – through the filter of the cross, in the reflection of His Son, with eyes of love.