Blog (Page 18)

March 26, 2023 Service

All what Paul talks about in this chapter is the Christian’s union with Christ through Baptism and faith. This is all part of what Christ won for us by dying on the cross and providing unity with the Holy Spirit by Baptism and faith. It is here that Paul rejoices in Christ as the fulfillment of the Law. Using the “in Christ”…

March 19, 2023 Service

The season of Lent, as the name reminds, is the season of lengthening days, when light overrides darkness. The obvious evidence, which nature provides, foretells the final triumph when the darkness of Good Friday will yield to the glorious sun of Easter morning. Already this Fourth Sunday in Lent, though, exhorts us to “walk as children of light” by seeking what is…

March 12, 2023 Service

The Lenten battle against sin is intensifying. Last Sunday Jesus spoke to Nicodemus in John 3 about God loving the world. Here in chapter 4, that declaration is made more concrete with the people of Samaria, who were traditionally rejected by the Jews. The readings for this Sunday contrast the grumbling and unbelief of the people of Israel when they need water…

March 5, 2023 Service

The Gospel in a nutshell (John 3:16). That’s what we know this verse from St. John’s Gospel as. It is, in many respects, the simplest and clearest expression of who Jesus is and what He came to earth to do. Quite simply, Jesus came to save the world. Save the world from what? Save the world from itself, from Satan, and, most…