All Day

Sunday School and Bible Class

St. Paul's Bremen Campus 605 S. Center St, Bremen

Spring Quarter Sunday School Classes YOU ARE IMPORTANT to the St. Paul’s family! Get to know your brothers and sisters in Christ as you study God’s word together! Your presence means a lot! Join us every week, 8:30-9:15 a.m. Pre-K – Grade 2 (Nazareth Room) See what news “Theo” has to share! Children will learn what it means to be “committed to…

Congregational Voters Meeting

St. Paul's Bremen Campus 605 S. Center St, Bremen

Change to the schedule for congregational voters meetings in 2024. The change in schedule was made to give members a better opportunity to attend the voters meetings where there may have been schedule conflicts with other activities outside of St. Paul's or where the normal congregational voters meeting time of 7PM was a problem for members who cannot drive at night. The…

Adult Basketball

St. Paul's Bremen Campus 605 S. Center St, Bremen