Sunday School & Bible Class

St. Paul's Bremen Campus 605 S. Center St, Bremen

Children Pre-K thru Completion of 5th Grade - Meet in gym for devotion and a variety of activities Teens ( students who have completed Grades 6th & 7th) Meet in Mr. Millers for a discussion ,lead by Joanna Fox, for Book of Luke. Adult Bible Study (includes new Confirmands and High School students) - TBD

Donuts With Dad

St. Paul's Bremen Campus 605 S. Center St, Bremen

During Bible Class/Sunday School - We will be providing an opportunity of Youth going into Grades 6th thru Highschool to invite their fathers to a devotion on this special day. We will meet in the Gym @ 8:30 am.  Youth Board will provide donuts and drinks. Youth and Fathers just need to bring their Bibles and join in.