Sermon Text Matthew 25:31-46
Sermon Text Matthew 25:31-46
Sermon Text Matthew 25:1-13
Sermon Text Matthew 5:1-12
Sermon Text Romans 3:19-28
Sermon Text Isaiah 45:1-7 Sermon “Trusting Against All Odds” There Is No God like Our God. 1. Throughout the world, people ____________________________ . 2. But with the one true God, it is the ________________________ . 3. This true God, Christ, is alone the _________________________ . 4. Unlike the other gods or “saviors,” our God is ________________ , always (v 7).
Sermon Text Philippians 4:4-13
Sermon Text Psalm 24:7–10
Sermon Text Philippians 1:12–14, 19–30 Paul Invites Us to Join Him in Saying, “My Imprisonment Is for Christ.”
Sermon Text Genesis 50:15-21
King Jesus Comes to Bring You under His Reign of Peace, Freedom, and Hope.