VBS Work Nite

St. Paul's Bremen Campus 605 S. Center St, Bremen, IN, United States

VBS Work Nite.  Anyone with willing hands is welcome to come. Light refreshments will be served afterward.

Men’s Bible Breakfast

Community Hospital of Bremen 1020 High Street, Bremen, IN, United States

If you're at least 18 years of age, wake up on Wednesday morning every other week and join in a Bible Study at the Bremen Hospital cafeteria conference room at 6:30 AM. Enter the cafeteria area entrance on the south side patio to the left of the main entrance portico (presently the covid testing drive-thru). The cafeteria has an excellent breakfast menu…

LWML Indiana District Convention

June 20-23, 2024: LWML Indiana District Convention, at Danville, Indiana, Hendricks Co. 4-H Conference Center - “Rooted in Christ” Eph. 3:17. Registration & Housing information is on the website.  

Vacation Bible School

St. Paul's Bremen Campus 605 S. Center St, Bremen, IN, United States

Vacation Bible School is scheduled for June 24th-28th from 9-11:30 am. Celebrate the Savior-Jesus Gives Us Joy is the theme for this year’s VBS program. The children will look into the Bible, God’s Holy Word, and discover that Jesus gives us the joy of eternal life with Him! Our loving God has given us so much to celebrate—family, friends, food, and especially…

Congregational Voters Meeting

St. Paul's Bremen Campus 605 S. Center St, Bremen, IN, United States

Change to the schedule for congregational voters meetings in 2024. The change in schedule was made to give members a better opportunity to attend the voters meetings where there may have been schedule conflicts with other activities outside of St. Paul's or where the normal congregational voters meeting time of 7PM was a problem for members who cannot drive at night. The…

Voters Meeting

St. Paul's Bremen Campus 605 S. Center St, Bremen, IN, United States

Men’s Bible Breakfast

Community Hospital of Bremen 1020 High Street, Bremen, IN, United States

If you're at least 18 years of age, wake up on Wednesday morning every other week and join in a Bible Study at the Bremen Hospital cafeteria conference room at 6:30 AM. Enter the cafeteria area entrance on the south side patio to the left of the main entrance portico (presently the covid testing drive-thru). The cafeteria has an excellent breakfast menu…

Men’s Bible Breakfast

Community Hospital of Bremen 1020 High Street, Bremen, IN, United States

If you're at least 18 years of age, wake up on Wednesday morning every other week and join in a Bible Study at the Bremen Hospital cafeteria conference room at 6:30 AM. Enter the cafeteria area entrance on the south side patio to the left of the main entrance portico (presently the covid testing drive-thru). The cafeteria has an excellent breakfast menu…

Men’s Bible Breakfast

Community Hospital of Bremen 1020 High Street, Bremen, IN, United States

If you're at least 18 years of age, wake up on Wednesday morning every other week and join in a Bible Study at the Bremen Hospital cafeteria conference room at 6:30 AM. Enter the cafeteria area entrance on the south side patio to the left of the main entrance portico (presently the covid testing drive-thru). The cafeteria has an excellent breakfast menu…